
Robert Bailey tn

Robert Bailey Biography

Robert Bailey was born and raised in England, where he attended College of Art in Stoke-on­Trent, Staffordshire. He then emigratsd to North America, where he had careers in television and newspapers. Even as a small boy he was always drawing and painting aircraft and is now an Artist Fellow with the American Society of Aviation Artists, and a member of the Canadian Aviation Artists Association.

His prints and originals are sold worldwide, including the U.S.A., Australia, Canada, Great Britain and Germany. His work was originally inspired by his father, who often told tales of battles in North Africa and Italy. Growing up in England in the shadow of World War II, most boys were avid readers of 'Commando' comics, and Robert was no exception. He owns a large collection of these comics, and over eighty books of the fictional fighter pilot 'Biggles', all of which he has dragged around the world on various trips. A constant stream of people visit his home to see the studio and his huge collection of model airplanes. Robert's wife Michelle often says that "in our house, World War II never ends!"

Robert is grateful for the many firm friends he has made since his entry into the international world of aviation art, particularly those who pro­vide him with historical and technical assistance for his paintings. He also feels greatly honored and privileged to meet so many aircrew and groundcrew who fought on both sides during the greatest conflict the world has known. Robert is frequently asked how a project comes into being. That's a little difficult to answer, as each can start in a different way. Usually, our consultant Mike Coenen in San Francisco will suggest a particular squadron or group, and he might go on to contact those men to see if they are interested in co-operating in a project and signing prints. The response is almost always one of tremendous enthusiasm from these veterans, who then supply us with wartime photos of them­selves, their aircraft and pertinent wartime scen­ery for the painting. Additionally Robert will use his extensive library of war books and his collec­tion of airplane models as additional visual data.

Robert paints in oil on canvas, the size being around 24" x 42". Each painting takes about two months, as he is also working on commissioned pencil drawings and remarques of aviation com­bat for his growing number of collector enthusi­asts. (Not to mention the numerous trips he makes all over the U.S.A. each year in order to obtain signatures for prints.) World renowned combat artist and illustrator Ron Volstad will always 'drop in' to the studio at project's comple­tion, to verify that technical aspects of the scene content are correct. "Because tanks, planes, and a myriad of other equipment was continually being phased out or new versions being introduced throughout the war, you have to be continuously on your toes", says Robert. That's why each picture is basically a team effort.

Robert Bailey Aviation Art